About EHS Management Solutions,AI-powered Site Visibility,proactive data-driven safety culture, AI-powered Site Visibility

Build a proactive data-driven safety culture with the power of AI

What is Voxel?

Voxel is an AI-powered site visibility platform that connects with existing security cameras to shed light on near misses and risky behaviors that often go unreported and undetected. Built by leading scientists at the forefront of AI research from Google, Facebook, and Uber, Voxel has shown significant impact by reducing injuries and insurance claims, while improving operational efficiency.

Voxel Proactively Detects:

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Actionable Insights

Track trends, risk scoring and heatmap data to help any organization identify the most impactful corrective actions.

Real-Time Alerts

Identify safety hazards and operational risks with real-time notifications so teams can intervene to prevent injuries before they happen.

The Voxel Impact

Reduction in injuries
0 %
Reduction in workers comp & damage claims
0 %
increase in operational efficiency
0 %

Fill out the form below to start your journey to an injury-free workplace

Register for NC Drinking Water, Wastewater, and Animal Waste Operator Virtual Online Courses